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10 September 2024
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A & – Aal
Aam – Abb
Abd – Abe
Åbe – Abr
Ábr – Ace
Ach – Ack
Acl – Ada
Ádá – Ada
Adb – Adi
Adj – Ado
Adr – Aes
ÆTH – Aga
Ağa – Ago
Ágo – Agu
Agy – Ahm
Ahn – Ai-
Aid – Air
Ais – Aka
A-K – Aki
Akk – Al
Al. – Ala
Al- – Alb
Alc – Ald
al- – Ale
Åle – Ale
Alë – Alh
Al- – Ali
al- – All
Al- – All
Alm – Alo
Al-O – Al-R
Alr – Alt
Al- – Alv
Al- – Ama
Amb – Ame
Amf – Amm
Amo – Ams
Amt – Ana
Anb – And
Ané – Ang
Äng – Ang
Anh – Ann
AnoD – Anow
Anq – Ant
Anu – Apá
Apa – App
Apr – Ara
Ará – Arb
ArcM – Arcz
Ard – Are
Arè – Ari
Arı – Arl
Ärl – Arm
Arna – Arnz
Aro – Arr
Ars – Art
Aru – Asa
Asb – Ash
ASI – Asp
Asq – Ast
a's – Ate
Atg – Ato
Atr – Aub
Auc – Auf
Aug – Aul
Aum – Aus
Aut – Ave
Avé – Avo
Avr – Aya
Ayb – Ayu
Ayv – Azu
Azw – Azz
Discover Artists
Darrell Apatiki
(American, 1957–2016)
Reynoldo Ari (K'aKachi) Apaza
David Apciauri
(Georgian, 1961)
Ape Artists of the 1950's
Apeda Studio
Annette Apel
Ter Apel
Jonathan Apelbaum
Ate Van Apeldoorn
Jan Apeldoorn
(Dutch, 1765–1838)
Gerard Wilhelm Johan van Apeldorn
Andres Apellaniz
(Spanish, 1929)
Domingo Apellaniz
Jesús Apellániz
(Spanish, 1898–1969)
Auguste Apelle
Apelli e Varesio
Clay Apenouvon
(Togolese, 1970)
Giuseppe Apera
(Italian, 1876–1946)
Achilleas Apergis
(Greek, 1909–1986)
Natalino Aperta
(Portuguese, XX)
Francis Apesteguy
(French, 1952)
Efron Pelayo Apestequia
(Peruvian, 1900–1970)
Sammy Apetyarr
(Indigenous Australian, XX-XXI)
Josie Kunoth Apetyarre
(Australian, 1956)
Jan Apetz
Marcia Apewylere
(born after–died after)
Iris Apfel
(American, 1921)
Alice Apfelbach
Maurycy Apfelbaum
Polly Apfelbaum
(American, 1955)
Sally Apfelbaum
Silvina Apfelbaum
(Argentine, 1963)
Carol Apfelschnitt
(American, 1948–1990)
Susanne Apgar
Virgil Apger
Kate R. Aphrodite
Peter Apiana
(Inuit, 1932)
Philipp Apianus
(German, 1531–1589)
Giulio Apicella
(Italian, 1942)
Anuwat Apimukmongkon
(Thai, 1995)
Mochtar Apin
(Indonesian, 1923–1994)
Valeri Apinian
(Armenian, 1950)
Jekabs Apinis
G. Apisov
M. Apisova
Agate Apkalne
(Latvian, 1977)
Edwige Aplogan
(Beninese/French, 1955)
Guadalupe Apodaca
Grigor Apojan
Adrianus Apol
(Dutch, 1780–1862)
Armand Adrien Marie Apol
(Belgian, 1879–1950)
Jan Apol
(Dutch, 1874–1954)
Louis Apol
(Dutch, 1850–1936)
Pierre Jean Apol
Guillaume Apollinaire
(French, 1880–1918)
Jacqueline Apollinaire
Apollo Silver Co.
(American, XX)
Apollo Studios
Abuna George Michael (Archbishop) Apollo
Francesco Apollodoro di Porcia
Adolfo Apolloni
(Italian, 1855–1923)
Giacomo Apollonio
(Italian, 1584–1654)
Giovanni Apollonio
(Italian, 1879–1930)
Marina Apollonio
(Italian, 1940)
Batia Apolo
James Aponovich
(American, 1948)
Jason Aponte
(American, 1976)
Maru Aponte
(Puerto Rican)
Ferenc Apor
(Romanian, 1975)
James Apostle
(American, 1917)
Alexander Apóstol
(Venezuelan, 1969)
Mariana Apostol
Gigorii (Grégoire) Apostoli
(Romanian, born after 1897–died after 1930)
Peter Apostolos
Eugenia Apostolou
(Greek, 1954)
Panaiot Apostolov
Srđan Apostolović
Cornelis Apostool
(Dutch, 1762–1844)
George Apostu
(Romanian, 1934–1986)
Gheorghe Apostu
(Romanian, 1937)
Paul Apoteker
Gary Apotheker
Jean Apotheloz
Joseph Apoux
Grigor Apoyan
(Armenian, 1924–1991)
Agnieszka Apoznańska
(Polish, 1995)
Lou App
Roy App
Timothy App
(American, 1947)
Gideon Appah
(Ghanaian, 1987)
Isaac Appaqaq
Apparatus Studio
(American, established 2012)
Marc Appart
Jaya Appasamy
(Indian, 1918–1984)
Émile Appay
(French, 1876–1935)
S. Appazi
Annie Appel
(American, XX-XXI)
Benjamin Appel
(German, 1978)
Carl Heinrich Wilhelm Appel
(German, 1866–1937)
Charles P. Appel
(American, 1857–1928)
Christian Dotremont and Karel Appel
Diederik van Appel
(Dutch, 1985)
Gabriella Moore and Kjeld Appel
George H. Appel
(American, 1894–1980)
Helene Appel
(German, 1976)
Henk van der Vet and Karel Appel
Hugo Claus and Karel Appel
Jacob Appel
(Dutch, 1680–1751)
Jef Van Tuerenhout and Karel Appel
Karel Appel
(Dutch, 1921–2006)
Kevin Appel
(American, 1967)
Kira Appel
Kjeld Appel
(Danish, 1960)
Machteld Appel
(Dutch, ?–1970)
Thelma Appel
(American, 1940)
Viola Appel
(American, 1897)
Carl Appel
Gustav Adolf Appelbaum
(German, 1865)
Margery Appelbaum
Leonard Appelbee
(British, 1914)
Meir Appelfeld
Meir Appelfield
(British, 1965)
Albrecht Appelhans
(German, 1900–1975)
Johann Heinrich Appelius
(German, 1684–died before 1733)
Barend Appelman
(Dutch, 1640–1686)
Bartholomeus Appelman
(Dutch, lived circa 1628–died circa 1686)
Dieter Appelt
(German, 1935)
Karl-Heinz Appelt
(German, 1940–2013)
Siegrun Appelt
(Austrian, 1965)
Georg Appeltshauser
Karl von Appen
(German, born circa 1900)
William Appendix
(Polish, 1931)
Charles Felix Appenzeller
(Swiss, 1892–1964)
Hans Appenzeller
Stanislaw Appenzeller
George Owen Wynne Apperley
(British, 1884–1960)
Mila Apperlo
M.W. Appers
E. Appert
Eugène Appert
(French, 1814–1867)
Franck Appert
George Appert
(French, 1850–1934)
Leonce Appert
N. Franz Appert
Pauline Appert
(French, 1810)
A. Appert
A. Appert
(French, XIX)
Adolphe Francois Appia
(Swiss, 1862–1928)
Theodore Alfred Appia
(Swiss, 1887–1980)
Béatrice Appia-Dabit
(Swiss, 1899–1999)
Adolphe Appian
(French, 1818–1898)
Louis Appian
(French, 1862–1896)
Andrea Appiani the Elder
(Italian, 1754–1817)
Andrea Appiani the Younger
(Italian, 1817–1865)
Francesco Appiani
(Italian, 1704–1792)
Margaret Appich
(American, 1916)
Jean Appier
(French, 1596–1647)
Apple Inc.
(American, established 1976)
Billy Apple
(New Zealand, 1935–2021)
Monique Apple
Leon Applebaum
Frank Woodberry Applebee
(American, 1902)
Leonard J. Applebee
(English, 1914–2000)
Ida Applebroog
(American, 1929–2023)
Anne Appleby
(American, 1954)
Barry Appleby
(American, 1909–1996)
Charles Appleby
David Appleby
Ernest W. Appleby
Jane Appleby
Jane Short and Malcolm Appleby
Jemma Appleby
(British, 1987)
John F. Appleby
Louis Appleby
(British, 1991)
Malcolm Appleby
(British, 1946)
Ophelia Appleby
(British, 1996)
Rafaele Appleby
(British, 1961)
Rebecca Appleby
(British, 1979)
Steven Appleby
(British, 1956)
Theodore Appleby
(American, 1923–1985)
Wilfred C. Appleby
Stephen Appleby-Barr
Yael Applefeld
(Israeli, XX)
Barbara Applegate
Delilah Applegate
Frank Applegate
Frank G. Applegate
(American, 1882–1931)
Marjorie Pease Applegate
(American, 1926)
Martha Appleleaf
(American, 1950)
Trevor Appleson
(South African)
(Publishers) Appleton & Co.
Carolyn Ten Eyck Appleton
(American, 1902–1948)
E. Appleton
George Washington Appleton
(American, 1805–1831)
Honor C. Appleton
(British, 1879–1951)
Jean Appleton
(Australian, 1911–2003)
Jeanette Appleton
(British, born after–died after)
Kalee Appleton
(American, 1983)
R. R. Appleton
Sarah Appleton
Sigma C. Appleton
Thomas G. Appleton
Thomas Gold Appleton
(American, 1812–1884)
William D. Appleton
Frederick Appleyard
(British, 1874–1963)
Joseph Appleyard
(British, 1908–1960)
Applied Arts School of Hanoi
Applied Arts School of Thu Dau Mot
Applied Arts School of Thu Dau Mot and Thanh Le Studio
Rosa Appliton
Robert Appo
(Australian, 1970)
Karl Appold
(German, 1840–1884)
Hester Appolioto
Tyrone Errol Appollis
(South African, 1957)
Silvio Apponyi
(Australian, 1949)
APPortfolio x André Saraiva X MR.
Richard Apprederisse
Jean-Marie Appriou
(French, 1986)
G. F. Apps
Paul Apps
(British, 1958)
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