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10 September 2024
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C & – Cab
Cac – Cad
Cae – Cai
Caj – Cal
Çal – Cal
Cla – Cal
Cam – Camz
CAN – Can
Cañ – Can
Cán – Can
Cão – Cao
CapB – Capo
Čáp – Car
Căr – Car
Cár – Car
Čár – Car
Cas – Cas
Cás – Cas
Câs – Cas
CatH – Catz
Cau – Cav
Çav – Ceb
Cec – Ceg
Ceh – Cem
Cen – Cer
Cér – Cer
Čer – Cha
Châ – Cha
Chá – Che
Ché – Che
Chén – Cher
Chér – Chev
Tru – Chi
Ch' – Chi
Chk – Cho
Chō – Chr
Cht – Chu
Chv – Cic
Çiç – Cim
Çim – Cip
Cir – Civ
Ciz – Cla
Clé – Cle
Clém – Cley
Cli – Clo
Clu – Cob
Coca – Cocx
Cod – Coe
Cof – Coh
Coi – Col
Cöl – Col
Cölo – Colz
Com – Comy
Con$ – Conz
Cooc – Cooy
CopS – Copy
Coq – Cor
Cór – Cor
CosJ – Cost
Cös – Cot
Coua – Couz
Cov – Cow
Cox – Coy
Coz – Cra
Cre – Cré
Crep – Crev
Cré – Cri
Crn – Cro
Crua – Cruz
Cry – Cuc
Cud – Cui
Cuk – Cum
Cun – Cup
Cura – Curt
Cür – Cus
Čuš – Cwi
Ćwi – Cze
Czę – Czy
Discover Artists
Victor Coochwytewa
(Hopi, 1922–2011)
Peter Coode
(Dutch, born after 1599–died after 1639)
Victor Coodrin
(Russian, 1925)
Amanda Coogan
(Irish, 1971)
Fairfield Coogan
(American, 1924)
Jay Coogan
Patrick Coogan
(Irish, XX)
Leendert van der Cooghen
(Dutch, 1610–1681)
GEORGE L.G. COOK (1819-1902)
George Cook Jr.
Joshua Cook Sr. and Joshua Cook Jr.
William Cook Of Plymouth
(British, born circa 1830–died circa 1890)
William Delafield Cook Sr.
(Australian, 1861–1931)
Alfred Herbert Cook
(Australian, 1907–1970)
Allon Cook
(Australian, 1907–1971)
Arthur Cook
Ashley Cook
Audrey Lynne Cook
August Cook
(American, 1897–1990)
B. Cook
Barrie Cook
(British, 1929–2020)
Barry Cook
(American, 1958)
Beryl Cook
(British, 1926–2008)
Blair Cook
Brandon Cook
(American, 1972)
Brian Cook
(British, 1910–1991)
C. Cook
(British, born after–died after)
C.F Cook
(American, active circa 1850–1889)
Captain James Cook
Caroline Cook
Casey Cook
(American, 1971)
Charles Bayley Cook
(American, 1865–1948)
Charles Henry Cook
(Irish, 1830–1906)
Charles J. Cook
Chris Cook
Christopher Cook
(British, 1959)
Clarence Bailey Cook
Colin Cook
(American, 1968)
Daisy Cook
David Cook
(Scottish, 1957)
Diana Cook
Diane Cook
Duncan Cook
Ebenezer Wake Cook
(British, 1843–1926)
Edna R. Cook
(American, 1890)
Edward William Cook
Ethan Cook
(American, 1983)
Francis Ferdinand M. Cook
Frederick Cook
Frederick T.W. Cook
(British, 1907–1982)
Garrett Cook
George Eastman Cook
(American, 1867–1930)
George Edward Cook
George Frederick Cook
George Smith Cook
Ginny Cook
(American, 1977)
Gladys Emerson Cook
(American, 1899–1976)
Gordon Cook
(American, 1927–1985)
Gwendolyn James Cook
(American, XX)
H.W. Cook
(British, XX)
Harry L. Cook
(American, 1909–1993)
Heather Cook
(American, 1980)
Helen Cook
Henry Cook
(British, 1819–1890)
Herbert Moxon Cook
(British, 1844–1920)
Howard Norton Cook
(American, 1901–1980)
Ian Cook
(Australian, 1965)
Isobel Cook
J Cook
J. C. Cook
J.B. Cook
Janet Cook
Jean Cook
Jeffrey Cook
(American, 1961–2009)
Jenik Cook
(American, 1940)
Jenny Cook
Jimmy Cook
(American, XX-XXI)
John Cook
John Cook
(British, active circa 1730–1750)
John A. Cook
(American, 1870–1936)
John Elwood Cook
John Thomas Cook
Jonathan Delafield Cook
(British, 1965)
Joseph Cook
Joshua Cook
Joshua (Jnr.) Cook
Juan Cook
(Chilean, 1948)
Judith Cook
Karin Cook
(American, XX)
Kate O'Donovan Cook
Katherine Cook
(Australian, XX-XXI)
Katie Cook
(American, 1981)
Keren Cook
(New Zealand, XX-XXI)
Larry W. Cook
(American, 1986)
Lia Cook
(American, 1942)
Lillian Cook
Louise Cook
Lyndsay Cook
Lynette Cook
Mariana Cook
(American, 1955)
Marion Cook
Mark Cook
Martin Cook
(British, 1958)
Mary Elizabeth Cook
(American, 1881–1951)
Michael Cook
(Australian, 1968)
Monica Cook
Myra Cook
(Australian, 1932–2015)
Neal Cook
Nelson Cook
Octavia Cook
(New Zealand, 1978)
Otis Pierce Cook
(American, born circa 1900–1980)
Paula Rodda Cook
(American, 1897–1972)
Peter Cook
Peter Geoffrey Cook
(American, born after 1915–died after 1992)
Phillip Cook
Polly Cook
Rande Cook
Rita Cook
(New Zealand, 1908–1970)
Rod Cook
Roger Cook
Rosalind Cook
Rosemary Cook
Sally Cook
(American, XX)
Sam Cook
(American, 1917–1999)
Samuel Cook
(British, 1806–1859)
Samuel (of Plymouth) Cook
Simon Alexander Cook
Sophie M. Cook
Stephen T. Cook
Steve Cook
T. Cook
T. C. Cook
Taylor Cook
Thatcher Hullerman Cook
(American, 1971)
Theodore Flavel Cook
(British, 1857–1911)
Thomas Cook
(British, 1744–1818)
Thomas B. Cook
(British, XIX)
Timothy Cook
(Australian, 1958)
Walter Cook
(English, 1916)
William Cook
William Delafield Cook
(Australian, 1936–2015)
William Edmund Cook
William Edwards Cook
(American, 1881)
James P. Cook
(American, born after 1947)
Richard Moxom Cook
(Irish, 1844–1920)
James Cook
(American, 1949)
Richard Cook
(British, 1947)
Robert Cook
(American, 1921–2017)
James Cook
(New Zealand, 1904–1960)
Richard Cook
(British, 1784–1857)
Robert Cook
(American, 1948)
James Cook
John Cook
(American, 1940)
James Cook
(South African, XX-XXI)
Maude Cook-Davies
(New Zealand, 1946)
Brett Cook-Dizney
Henry Cooke
(English, 1642–1700)
Cooke and Kelvey (Co.)
(British/Indian, established 1858)
Alasdair Cooke
(British, 1967)
Albert C. Cooke
(British, 1836–1902)
Anita Cooke
Anne Cooke
Anthony R. Cooke
Arthur Claude Cooke
(British, 1867)
Barrie Cooke
(British, 1931–2014)
Betty Cooke
(American, 1924)
Carole Cooke
(American, 1949)
Charles B. Cooke
Charles Clyde Benton Cooke
(American, born after 1860–died after 1933)
Charles Wilson Cooke
Cynthia Cooke
(American, 1954)
Darwyn Cooke
(American, 1962)
David Cooke
(British, 1970)
Edward Cooke
Edward Wake Cooke
Edward William Cooke
(British, 1811–1880)
Edwy Francis Cooke
Ernest O. Cooke
(British, ?–1937)
F. Cooke
F. M. Cooke
F. S. Cooke
George Cooke
George Esten Cooke
(American, 1793–1849)
Hereward Lester Cooke
(American, 1916–1973)
Honore Guilbeau Cooke
(American, 1907–2006)
Ida Cooke
(New Zealand, 1913–1982)
Isaac Cooke
(British, 1846–1922)
J. Cooke
(British, XX)
Jean Cooke
(British, 1927–2008)
Jerry Cooke
(American, 1922–2005)
Jim Cooke
John Cooke
John Percy Cooke
Judy Cooke
(American, 1940)
Kathleen Cooke
(Irish, 1908–1978)
Martin Cooke
Melissa Cooke
Nigel Cooke
(British, 1973)
Nora Cooke
Pat Cooke
(British, 1935–2000)
Regina Tatum Cooke
(American, 1902–1988)
Richard Cooke
Roger Cooke
(American, 1941)
S. Tucker Cooke
Sue Cooke
(New Zealand, 1960)
V. J. Cooke
W.E. Cooke
Will Cooke
(Australian, 1989)
William Cooke
(Dutch, 1803–1856)
William B. Cooke
(American, 1863)
William Cubitt Cooke
William Edward Cooke
Robert T. Cooke
Sylvia Cooke-Collis
(Irish, 1900–1973)
Margaret Murray Cookesley
(British, ?–1927)
Paul Cooklin
(British, 1971)
Charles Edwin Cookman
(American, 1856–1915)
H. W. Cooks
H. Cooksey
May Louise Greville Cooksey
(British, 1878)
Ralph Cooksey
James (Mrs.) Cookson
Linda Cookson
Stanley Cookson
(American, 1908–1995)
Alexandra Cool
(Belgian, 1961)
Gabriel de Cool
(French, 1854–1908)
Jan Daemen Cool
(Dutch, 1589–1660)
Joe Cool
(American, 1968)
Maria Cool
Rebecca Cool
(Australian, 1965)
Thomas Cool
(Dutch, 1851–1904)
Thomas Simon Cool
(Dutch, 1831–1870)
Brian Coole
(British, 1939)
Margaret Stephenson Coole
Berten Coolens
Kris Coolens
(Dutch, XX-XXI)
Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Coolers
Allison Hall Cooley
Benjamin Cooley
(American, 1821–1899)
Carolyn Ryder Cooley
David Cooley
(American, 1978)
Gary Cooley
Grant Cooley
(American, XX)
J. Cooley
Jack Cooley
(American, born after–died after)
Jacob Cooley
(American, 1968)
Kevin Cooley
Lydia Cooley
(American, 1906–1996)
Mason Cooley
Paul Cooley
(American, 1989)
Peter Cooley
Samuel A. Cooley
Thomas Cooley
(British, 1795–1872)
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
(American, 1844–1934)
David W. Coolidge
John Earle Coolidge
(American, 1882–1947)
Mary Rosamond Coolidge
(American, 1884)
Miles Coolidge
(Canadian, 1963)
Mountford Coolidge
(American, 1888–1954)
Arthur Cooling
Janet Cooling
Andy Coolquitt
(American, 1964)
Els Cools
(Belgian, 1966)
Frans Cools
Philippe Cools
Marcel Coolsaet
Jan de Cooman
(Belgian, 1893–1949)
Auguste Coomans
(Flemish, active circa 1850–died circa 1896)
Auguste Coomans
(Flemish, active circa 1850)
Célestine Coomans
Diana Coomans
(Belgian, 1861–1952)
Heva Coomans
(Belgian, 1860–1939)
Joseph Coomans
(Belgian, 1816–1889)
Pierre Olivier Joseph Coomans
(Belgian, 1816–1889)
Yolande Coomans
Elizabeth Coombe
Marlene Coombe
Andrew Coombes
Henry Coombes
Jennifer Louise Coombes
Simon Coombes
C. Knight Coombs
Catherine Coombs
Daniel Coombs
(British, 1971)
Delbert Dana Coombs
(American, 1850–1938)
Edith Grace Coombs
Elaine Coombs
(American, 1973)
Frederick Coombs
Grace E. Coombs
(Canadian, 1890–1986)
Michael Coombs
(British, 1972)
Robert Coombs
(American, 1970)
Roy Coombs
William Coombs
(American, 1947–2007)
Mark Coomer
(American, 2002)
José Luis Coomonte
(Spanish, 1932)
Caroline Coon
(British, 1945)
Nelson Coon
(American, 1895–1988)
Ray Coon
Emily Geraldine Coonan
(Canadian, 1885–1971)
Thom Cooney Crawford
(American, 1944)
Ann Cooney
Barbara Cooney
(American, 1917–2000)
Jackie Cooney
(Irish, 1947)
Joseph Cooney
(Irish, born after–died after)
Mae Bossert Cooney
(American, 1889–1974)
David de Cooninck
(Dutch, 1636–1700)
P. Coonlilo
Gaye Woodring Coons
Marie T. Coons
(American, born after–died after)
Robert Sean Coons
Harlan Coonsis
(Zuni, 1958)
Coop Himmelb(l)au
Diana Zoe Coop
(Canadian, 1952)
Harold Coop
Hubert Coop
(British, 1872–1953)
Joseph Coop
W. Coop
David Coope
Martha Dale Coope
(American, 1992)
Chris Cooper "Coop"
Frank B. Cooper
Justine Cooper
Cooper & Gorfer
Cooper Brothers & Sons (Co.)
(British, active circa 1866–1983)
Fiona Cooper Fenwick
Maria Cooper Janis
(Argentine, 1937)
Ruffin Cooper Jr.
(American, 1942)
Richard Cooper the Younger
(British, born circa 1740–1814)
A. Cooper
A. J. Cooper
A. Lincoln Cooper
A.C. Cooper
A.D.M. Cooper
(American, 1856–1924)
Abraham Cooper
(British, 1787–1868)
Adeline Cooper
Alfred Egerton Cooper
(British, 1883–1974)
Alfred Heaton Cooper
(British, 1864–1929)
Alfred W. Cooper
(British, ?–1901)
Alice Cooper
Alick Cooper
Alika Cooper
(American, 1979)
Andrew Cooper
Ann T. Cooper
(American, 1935–2005)
Anne Cooper
(American, 1945)
Anthony J. Cooper
(American, 1907)
Astley David Middleton Cooper
(American, 1856–1924)
Austin Cooper
(Canadian, 1890–1964)
B.G. Cooper
Byron Cooper
(British, 1850–1933)
Calvin Cooper
(American, 1921)
Carl Cooper
(Australian, 1912–1966)
Carlotta Cooper
Claude Cahill Cooper
(American, 1941)
Colin Campbell Cooper
(American, 1856–1937)
Constance Catherine Cooper
Cornelius V. Cooper
Cynthia Cooper
(American, 1954)
Dan Cooper
Dany Cooper
David Cooper
(Canadian, 1967)
David M. Cooper
Diana Cooper
(American, 1964)
Diane Cooper
Don Cooper
Douglas Cooper
Douglas Cooper
Duncan Elphingston Cooper
(born circa 1813–1904)
E. Cooper
E. L. Cooper
Edna R. Cooper
Edward Cooper
Edward Cooper
(American, 1915–2003)
Edward L. Cooper
(American, born after–died after)
Edwin Cooper
(British, 1785–1833)
Edwin (Sir) Cooper
(British, 1874–1942)
Eileen Cooper
(British, 1953)
Elizabeth Cooper
(American, 1972)
Emma Cooper
(British, 1837)
Emma Lampert Cooper
(American, 1860–1920)
Emmanuel Cooper
(British, 1938–2012)
Florence M. Cooper
Francis W. Cooper
(American, XIX)
Frank B. Cooper
Fred G. Cooper
(American, 1883–1962)
Frederick Charles Cooper
(British, born circa 1810–1880)
G. Cooper
G. V. Cooper
Gene Cooper
(American, 1943)
George Cooper
George Victor Cooper
(American, 1810–1878)
Gerald A. Cooper
(British, 1898–1975)
Graham Cooper
(New Zealand)
H. Cooper
Hayley Cooper
Helen A. Cooper
Henry Cooper
(Russian, 1907–2003)
Henry G. Cooper
Henry M. Cooper
Isolde F. Cooper
J and C Cooper
J. Cooper
J. Horace Cooper
(British, 1851–1906)
Jacqueline Cooper
James Baker Pyne and Thomas Sidney Cooper
James Turrell and Thomas Joshua Cooper
Jeremy Cooper
Jerry Cooper
Jessica Cooper
(British, 1967)
Jim Cooper
(New Zealand, 1956)
Joseph Teal Cooper
(British, 1682–1743)
Julian Cooper
(British, 1947)
Justin Cooper
Justin Brady Cooper
(American, 1976)
Kate Cooper
(British, 1984)
Kenneth Cooper
(British, born after–died after)
Kuntjil Cooper
(Australian, 1920)
L. Cooper
Laura Cooper
Lee Cooper
Lee Fen Cooper
Leslie Cooper
Lex Benson Cooper
(New Zealand, 1953)
Lillian Cooper
Marcia Cooper
(American, 1961)
Margaret Cooper
(American, 1874–1965)
Marina Cooper
Mario Cooper
(American, 1905–1995)
Mark Cooper
Martha Cooper
(American, 1943)
Martin Cooper
Mary Cooper
Matt Cooper
Mel Cooper
(British, 1945)
Mellie Cooper
(American, 1949)
Michael Jean Cooper
(American, 1943)
NASA and Gordon Cooper
(American, 1927–2004)
Niki Cooper
Olive Ray Long Cooper
(American, 1896)
P. F. Cooper
Peter Cooper
(American, 1791–1883)
R. Cooper
R.T. Cooper
Randy Cooper
(American, 1942)
Revel Ronald Cooper
(Australian, 1938–1983)
Richard S., Dr. Cooper
Richard T. Cooper
(British, 1884–1957)
Ritchie Cooper
Robert Cooper
Ronald Cooper
Royston Cooper
(British, born after–died after)
Ryan Cooper
(American, 1945)
S.J. Cooper
Samuel Cooper
(British, 1609–1672)
Simon Cooper
(Australian, 1966)
Stan Cooper
Susan Drozda Cooper
Susie Cooper
(British, 1902–1995)
Suzan (PH) Cooper
T. Cooper
T. Heaton Cooper
T.C. Cooper
T.S. Cooper
Taylor Cooper
Teal Cooper
Terence Cooper
Thomas Cooper
Thomas A. Cooper
Thomas George Cooper
(British, 1836–1901)
Thomas Heaton Cooper
Thomas Joshua Cooper
(American, 1946)
Thomas Sidney Cooper
(British, 1803–1902)
Tiffany Cooper
(French, 1985)
Tim Cooper
Virginia S. Cooper
(American, 1875–1940)
W. Cooper
W. A. Cooper
W. B. Cooper
W. H. Cooper
W. S. Cooper
W. Savage Cooper
(British, active circa 1885–1903)
W.F. Cooper
Waistel Cooper
(British, 1921–2003)
Waltraut Cooper
(Austrian, 1937)
Washington Bogart Cooper
(American, 1802–1889)
Wayne Cooper
(American, 1942)
Willard Cooper
(American, 1921)
William Cooper
William Alan Cooper
(American, 1891–1972)
William Arthur Cooper
(American, 1895–1974)
William Brown Cooper
(American, 1811–1900)
William Heaton Cooper
(British, 1903–1995)
William Henry Cooper
(British, 1858)
William Sidney Cooper
(British, 1854–1927)
William T. Cooper
(Australian, 1934)
Wilson Cooper
Winfred Cooper
(English, 1879–1931)
Ziv Cooper
Alexander Davis Cooper
John Paul Cooper
(British, 1869–1933)
Alexander Cooper
(British, born circa 1605–died after 1660)
Frederick Cooper
John Cooper
(British, 1942)
Michael Cooper
(British, 1941–1973)
Ron Cooper
(American, 1943)
Alexander Cooper
(Jamaican, 1934)
Frederick Cooper
(American, 1883–1962)
Henry Cooper
John Cooper
Michael Cooper
William Cooper
(British, 1923)
John Cooper
John Cooper
John Cooper
(English, 1894–1943)
Dani Cooperman
(South African, 1980)
Marilyn Cooperman
Leo Coopers
Claire Cooperstein
Dan Coopey
(British, 1981)
M. Coopey
Jean-Pierre Coopman
(Belgian, 1946)
Pieter Coopse
(Dutch, born circa 1640–1673)
Max Coor
Charles de Coorde
(Belgian, 1890–1963)
Francois Coorens
(Belgian, 1971)
J. Coorens
Martinus Coorn
(Dutch, 1622–1655)
Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert
(Dutch, born circa 1522–1590)
Sophie Coors
Adriaen Coorte
(Dutch, 1665–1707)
Alexander Coosemans
(Flemish, 1627–1689)
Joseph Theodore Coosemans
(Belgian, 1828–1904)
(born after–died after)
Mark Coote
Melissa Coote
(Australian, 1966)
Priscilla Coote
Howard M. Coots
C. Cootse
J. Cootwijck
F. Cooulila
Jan van Coover
(Dutch, 1864–1910)
Nell (Nella) B. Coover
(American, born after 1869–died after 1955)
John Calvin Coovert
(American, 1862–1937)
Suzanne Coox
Homer Cooyama
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